Putting Dreamwalkers Band Together

Riding back following our latest rehearsal with guitar player Tony Sheppard, I had the feeling something significant had just occurred. There was a simpatico, a jelling, a different intensity, neither of us had felt before. Tony said, "It felt like we really became a band today. it's hard to put a band together, but when it works, it's worth it." I thought back to Jeff Hocker telling me he wanted to play original tunes, to Jeff Dillon joining us and the band getting a lot better rapidly, and then a little over a year ago when Tony himself became a Dreamwalker and our presence and potential expanded exponentially. The addition of our Celestial Singers, Pam and Culynn, seemed to complete the sound. It's been a long road to get to this point, and all our preparation, hard work, and creative endeavors, have brought us to the starting line. Drummer Jeff Dillon pointed out, "We are no longer a bed room band - we are playing out! We have made a huge jump and have a heavy mantle to carry." For me that means being relaxed and dynamic, dreaming and manifesting, as well as organized and spontaneous. Dr. Carl Jung once said, "The modern day Shaman has to be a success in both worlds." We are Dreamwalkers, sharing musical dreams in the material world. I am proud of our group and am looking forward to sharing our zest for creation with a growing Dreamwalkers Family. 


Dr Dreamwalker 

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