Dr Dreamwalker Birthday, Walkin' Down The Road, Stay Home Florida

Hey Dreamwalkers Family and Friends,

It's been a big day. My birthday was today and I appreciate all the good wishes from people known and unknown, expected and unexpected. In these days of social distancing, I had a conversation with both my sons, one in Sarasota and one in Boston through the Zoom platform. It's an amazing event. I guess I feel a little like George Jetson with his tv phone at his desk, but it works and it was great to speak with both kids together. Unfortunately, the only thing there is to talk about is COVID19, but that's where we are in life today. I had a great relaxing birthday, took a long walk, a nice nap, spoke with friends, recorded a video, and a wonderful dinner with Kali and Gianna,

I chose Walkin' Down The Road" to be the song of the day because it speaks to equanimity, going down the middle of the road, in peace to deal with whatever problems arise. "Maybe we'll meet, maybe we'll talk, if not, it's okay," is the theme of the song. Embrace the day, the people, nature, energy, whatever comes your way, and in embracing it, flow beyond it. That's the idea anyway. It's a little more difficult to do when it's landing on your head, but still worth the effort.

Thank you again for all the birthday messages.


Dr Dreamwalker

The "Boys" giving me a Happy Birthday wake up greeting. 

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